Thursday, November 04, 2021

New mobile record store launches in Wellington

via RNZ: "Wellington record shop owner Benjamin James has hit the road to test his theory going mobile is the new way to go.

James is no beginner when it comes to records - he owned Evil Genius in Christchurch and DeathRay record stores, but this is his first time on the road.

The new venture, 'Herb's Mobile Record store' could be rolling up to a car park near you over summer.

The bright blue converted van works like any other store, except it goes where social media demands.

"I generally just pull up. If it’s not level, I level it because you get pretty seasick on there," James said.

"I buy and I sell for the store, I’ve been DJing for years under the name DJ Electica, and I’m just letting people on Facebook kinda control where I go."

For his first week of business Herb’s hit Parrotdog Brewery in Lyall Bay, as well as the Wellington suburbs of Newtown and Eastbourne.

Parked up in Eastbourne with a speaker hinged to the roof hurling out tunes, James proudly showed off his personal collection he’s now ready to part with.

Among the classics and kooky options there are a few rare pieces.

“We have records of the past… a great one by Bill Sevesi and the Islanders, Spinning Spinning Spinning by The Simple Image, a Wellington band, quite a rare one these days.

"Then we've got 'Herb's faves', Plantasia, great great album, Mantis, another Wellington band that came in from the islands, quite a rare one as well.”

James said the rarest is the New Zealand pressing of Aphrodite's Child, which is currently priced at $375.

"This generally goes for about $600 so it’s down a lot. It's got Demis Roussos as the lead singer."

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