[This started life in 2000 as a Geocities site. The below is is a recreation of it] An Italian Film soundtrack composer, a Swedish porn film, and the Muppets. What?s the connection? The answer is four words ? Mah na mah na. Okay, they?re not even proper words, but bear with me.
In 1977, those loveable family favorites the Muppets had a world wide hit with the song Mah na mah na. Where did this song come from?
I recently heard a groovy lounge version of Mah na mah na on a net radio station, Luxuria Music. Thinking it was a remake, I checked their website and got the name of the artist ? Piero Umiliani. A quick search on the net uncovered the fact that he wrote this tune in 1968,as part of the soundtrack for a Swedish porn film called Sweden; Heaven and Hell. It gets even better - I also discovered that I could buy this record, as it had been reissued in 1998!
But what I really want to know is WHO IS PIERO UMILIANI? Can you help? If you have any information on Piero Umiliani, please email me!
How did the Muppets ever end up covering a song from a Swedish porn film?
Anybody ever seen this film?
(The short version of this tale is that, after a number of emails from around the globe, I have discovered that Henson knew where the song was from. I now know Umiliani had a boat called Mah Na Mah Na. I have been interviewed (via phone) by a US news reporter, and referenced in a Spanish newspaper and a Boston magazine. I have also heard from Umiliani's daughter Elisabetta, who kindly answered some questions about her father (March 2003). But please take the time to read this musical mystery; its fascinating stuff. Site established on Geocities in April 2000)
Mah na mah na first appeared first on this record, in 1968...

"Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso"
(Sweden Heaven and Hell)
(Easy Tempo 901)
"Easy Tempo is the name of several fab collections of Italian soundtrack tunes. One of the undisputed masters of the genre is Piero Umiliani. His greatest claim to fame? The ultra infectious "Mah Na Mah Na"(covered by the Muppets, in 1977). Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso is the soundtrack to a soft core documentary on Sweden.
Umiliani's talent for excellent composition shines throughout this CD. Often, soundtracks without the movie feel as if they are missing something (the movie!), but Umiliani composes in the great tradition of Mancini, Morricone and Rota, creating music as music that just happens to accompany the movie. The result is a swinging CD filled with varied moods perfect for EZ listening, movie fans and swingers alike".
...from Swank Times...
I got an email recently, from a chap who runs a music site in Belgium, www.AtRecordings.com asking if I knew anything about the man, as he'd passed away, in February, and they wanted to do a tribute to him. (Their site has some great audio samples of Umiliani's work). I found this obituary, at a site called Film Score Monthly. Sad news, indeed.
UMILIANI update December 2001
Late December 2001 this site was featured on ... http://www.memepool.com Scroll down to the section dated December 27 and you'll see the entry.
Following on from that mention, Elaine Camuso from Wireless Flash News service contacted me and did a phone interview. Here's her piece.
"Musician Discovers Racy Roots of Muppets Song AUCKLAND, N.Z. (Wireless Flash) One of the top tunes from the Muppets' kiddie show has some racy roots. The jazzy nonsensical track, "Mah-Na, Mah-Na," is a cult fave with adults who grew up watching "The Muppet Show" and even appears in kiddie sing-along books. However, the song originated on the soundtrack of a 1968 X-rated documentary titled "Sweden: Heaven or Hell," according to musician and writer Peter McLennan, who has been researching the tune. The film was banned in Sweden for featuring lesbian nightclubs, nudity and wife-swapping. McLennan figures someone at the "Muppet Show" must have known about the song's salacious origins, but decided to kept it secret. Muppets representatives weren't available to comment on the "Mah-Na, Mah-Na" sex film connection."
Then Elaine sent me this - "I just heard back from my contact at the Jim Henson Company with some further details on the Mah-Na, Mah-Na story. It seems it was Henson who picked the song for the Muppets because he liked it so much. There's no information as to where he heard the song, but the company is aware that it came from the soundtrack to 'Sweden: Heaven or Hell.'"
UMILIANI vs Henri Salvador - Update July 2002
Shalom Septimus wrote me,saying that "while it's true as far as that the Muppets got "Mah Na, Mah Na" from Umiliani, he didn't write it either.
The original version, as far as I have been able to determine, was by the French singer, Henri Salvador, who recorded it as "Mais Non, Mais Non".{MY RESEARCH SUGGESTS THIS IS INCORRECT-SEE BELOW} If you listen to Salvador's version, you can see that there are real words to it, although I don't speak more than about 3 words in French so I don't know what the heck he's saying. Umiliani apparently didn't know the words either, so he mumbled the choruses.
One other thing: I have vague memories of seeing "Mah Na. Mah Na" on Sesame Street, which would almost certainly have preceded 1977; it was the same actual performance, though, with the two pink cows and the blue monster. Kermit's song "Bein' Green" was also reused from Sesame St." Thanks to Shalom for that information.
I also got an email from Wolfgang Jahn, who is an Umiliani fan - check out his website www.italiansoundtracks.com Cheers!
Thanks to Don Spiers for sending me his theory as to how the Muppets became linked with this song...
"In 1969, Dave Pell of Liberty Record released an album entitled "Mah-Na Mah-Na", which includes, as it's title track, Dave covering the infamous Swedish porn tune. The Album ID is Liberty LST-7631. I found this reference at www.spaceagepop.com/pell.htm
Too bad Jim Henson died 12 years ago. I'd be curious if this is where he heard it. Kind of hard to believe he and his wife watching a porn documentary..."
...And then I got this email from Bruno Bernard.
"I'm writing from France just to give you some comments on the "Mah na mah na" song, as we can call it.
Henri Salvador sang this song in France, but only in 1969. Moreover, on the cover of the record, the words "Mah na Mah na" appear, just below the french tittle "Mais non mais non".
If you want to see more on Henri salvador, please check this site perso.club-internet.fr/duchaine/1969.htm (It's in French)
I've attached the lyrics of this song, with an english version ( I've tried to do my best !)."

Click here to see the lyrics. Thanks Bruno. It appears that Henri Salvador wrote his own lyrics for Umiliani's song, as it dates from 1969, a year after Umiliani wrote it for Sweden: Heaven or Hell.
Here's an interview with Umiliani, from Italian magazine Giaguaro. Very informative.

Crapfromthepast.com is home to a radio show called Crap from the Past, out of Minneapolis USA. They have pics of the original US single of Umiliani's Mahna mah na, and a soundclip. "This legendary track was used on The Benny Hill Show, and was covered by a wide array of artists, including the disco creation Lipstique. This is the original version, and is fairly hard to find. (Peaked at US#55 on 10/4/69 and UK#8 on 5/28/77."
Dana Mellecker wrote to me about this site, saying he dated Umiliani's daughter while he was at college, back in the mid-80's in the USA."We were both studying at George Washington University. I never got to meet her father. However, I know that he did name his boat Ma na mah na." Thanks, for that info, Dana.
April 2003
In March this year I got a lovely email from Elisabetta Umiliani, the late composers daughter. She had heard about my site from a friend and had a look. She told me that her father did indeed write Mah Na Mah Na, and the lyrics didn't mean anything.
She kindly offered to answer any questions I had. She wrote back, telling me about what she remembers of her father from when she was young.
Read Elisabetta's comments here. I am very grateful to Elisabetta for her words.
July 2003
I just discovered theres a bar called Mahna Mahna in Tokyo. Theres a review of it in Tokyo's Metropolis magazine....
"Ever since US3 turned jazz into pop currency, we've been a little wary of anything billed as a jazz bar. Earnest young men with knitted wool hats, scratching their goatees and musing about Miles Davis' impact on post-modernist art could seriously put you off your beer. But Mahna Mahna in Sangenjaya is a lot more than it's cracked up to be...
It turned out that Mahna Mahna was more eclectic than we thought, with a mixed crowd of Shimokitazawa drop outs getting into tunes covering the last 20 years of soul, pop and funk.
Open Mon-Sat 7pm-4am Sun 1pm-4am. 2-9-26 Taishido, Setagaya-ku. Tel: 03-3419-7909. Nearest station: Denentoshi line, Sangenjaya stn."
Check it out next time you're in Tokyo, perhaps.
August 2004
It's been a while...
Ben Roberts emailed me and told me of a few versions of Mahna-Mahna I hadn't heard of... " the Ray McVay version is VERY funky too.... Klaus Wunderlich's cheesy hammond organ version is worth a mention also!" Ben's site is over here.
Dan Calzaretta contacted me, he writes... "I saw your postings regarding Piero Umiliani. I attended the Geo. Washington University with his daughter, Elisabetta, in 1984-85. I have since lost touch with her and would love to get in touch again." If anyone reading this knows Elisabetta, can you please pass on this message, that would be great. Dan's email address is nx9c@yahoo.com.
October 2004
John Pear from Australia wrote to me... "I happen to have some versions of Mah-na Mah-na from around the Globe. One came out back in 1971 behind the (then) Iron Curtain in what was then Czechoslovakia. Singer is Pavel Vitoch, acc.by the Dance Orchestra of Czechoslovak Radio, cond.by Josef Vobruba. Czech title is "Mana, mana", and the single is on SUPRAPHON records' label # 043 1195." Thanks for the info, John.
December 2004
Jade Blatz wrote to me asking about the song Crepuscolo sul Mare by Piero Umiliani, which features on the soundtrack for Oceans Twelve. "I was wondering if you can tell me what album of his this song is on and what year it was released." After some Goggling, I can report that it's from La Legge Dei Gangsters, described by Amazon as "First time release [on cd] of that brilliant 1969 soundtrack from an Italian gangster movie starring Klaus Kinski (his portrait with a pistol in his hand is decorating the album cover too). This is a soundtrack cult-collectable." Thanks for the question, Jade.
Found while Googling cover versions, a description of a Polish verison of Mahna Mahna... "Krystyna Pronko - Mah Na Mah Na Everybody's favorite Muppet / Swedish softcore lick, rendered here with indecipherable Polish title and big drums. There are a bunch of funky covers on here but lacking titles I'm drawing a blank. Are the Polish titles to get past the censors or avoid paying publishing? There's also a lycanthropic psych opus on the B-side. A favorite Polish record for sure." From Soulstrut, audio sample here.
Other cover versions of Mah Na Mah Na... Cake, Henri Salvador, Pavel Vitoch, Ray McVay, Klaus Wunderlich, Lipstique, Dave Pell... do you know of any? Let me know.
February 2005
Stewart Mason wrote to say "there's a new American sitcom called Committed, on which the main character, a chirpy physical therapist named Marni (played by Jennifer Finnigan), has "Mah Na Mah Na" as the ringtone on her mobile. In fact, in the first episode, she tries to get her blind date to sing the song with her in the restaurant! Sadly, my carrier doesn't offer it as a ringtone. Too bad." Thanks, Stewart.
April 2005
James E wrote to say that "There’s a band of some note on the indie rock scene named Menomena who pronounces their name the same way, and assumedly got their name from the song. Their last album was I am the Fun Blame Monster." Thanks, James. The band's website is impressively ugly.
Chip S sent me this... "Recently I saw a video by a Brazillian group called Pato Fu. The song is called
"Made in Japan", and the chorus has an unmistakable rendition of "Mah-na Mah-na". The beginning has a small clip from the original song, I believe. http://www.terra.com.br/macmania/macmania/capa.htm. Thanks, Chip, and thanks to Kojikun who also alerted me to this song - the chorus is lifted from Mahna Mahna, cept their version goes "made in japan, doo doo dee doo doo, made in japan, doo doo doo doo..."
Alan K sent me a few more cover versions... Leroy Holmes from Ultra-Lounge, Vol. 18: Bottoms Up; K-Taro Takanami from Sushi 3003 (titled Sweden, Heaven & Hell). I've also had a few emails looking for sheet music/guitar tabs for Umiliani's work. If you come across any, please let me know, so I can pass em on.
May 2005
From James at Noizyland blog...
"One of Henson's big plans was to try to reunite the Beatles through the show. Paul and Ringo were up for it, apparently, but John was killed - although, thankfully, not by Statler and Waldorf - before the scheme came to fruition"
Wow, how cool would that have been? I was a big fan of the Muppets in my younger days - it was one of the few TV shows the whole family could sit around and enjoy together. So it is with much trepidation that I consider the forthcoming resurrection of the show by Disney, who have already undermined my love of Winnie the Pooh with any number of terrible TV shows and direct-to-video travesties.
The Times is also worried, and has the full story here, (or archived onsite here) as well as a lot of background on the original Muppets show, from which I learnt a few new things. I didn't know that it was shot in the UK, for example. Or that Jim Henson and his crew were such acid and pot-heads (although, in hindsight...). Or that Dr Bunsen Honeydew was created in the image of Lew Grade, the ATV boss who convinced Henson to move his production to the UK.
From the Times article... "It's hippies parodying reactionaries, bread-heads, divas and bores. It's hard to see how they will fit, intact, into Disney’s cleaner-than-clean, carefuller-than-careful corporate world.
Indeed, as if to illustrate this point, when I contacted Disney its vice-president of corporate communications for Europe replied: “Disney has deemed irreverence as one of the five core equities of the Muppets (humorous, heartwarming, puppet-inspired and topical being the other four).”
June 2005
April Porter wrote to me asking about Mah Na Mah Na - which came first; the Sesame St version or the Muppets one?
"Shalom Septimus wrote on your page - "One other thing:I have vague memories of seeing "Mah Na. Mah Na" on Sesame Street, which would almost certainly have preceded 1977; it was the same actual performance,though, with the two pink cows and the blue monster." This isn't quite right....I was watching Sesame Street the other day, and they've been doing cool stuff to celebrate their 30th anniversary. They played the Sesame Street version of "Mah na mah na" after the end credits (I can guess that it was filmed for a 1975 show, since that'd be 30 years ago), and it wasn't quite the same recording.
Instead of pink cows, the backup singers were two human-ish girl muppets with braids (I think both were blonde), and the lead singer wasn't quite the same muppet either, though I can't remember the differences. The lead singer's part was pretty much the same, but the backup muppets didn't sing "do do do do do", but some different vowels (I forget exactly - might have been "do do, be do do" or something even more different).
I was interested in knowing which came first, since I'd just recently seen a clip of the Muppet Show version, though I didn't know what year it was done. If the Muppet Show version was done in 1977, and the Sesame Street version was done in 1975, that'd make the Sesame Street version first. I'm intrigued."
To the best of my knowledge on this subject, the Sesame St version came first. thanks for the question, April!
October 2005

Several months ago I was contacted by an acquaintance wanting information on Mahna Mahna, as she was trying to organise use of it for a TV ad campaign for a charity. Looks like she managed to pull it off... From New Zealand Herald story...
"The Muppets are returning to New Zealand television - for a good cause. In a marketing coup likely to leave the rest of the not-for-profit sector green with envy, Kermit the Frog, Rawlf the piano-playing dog, the Swedish Chef and other Muppets will lend their considerable brand power to teen cancer charity CanTeen.
The world's most famous puppets will star in an advertisement [pictured above] that starts today and runs for 10 days in support of Bandanna Week. It's a major win for CanTeen as it tries to top the $1.2 million it raised during Bandanna Week last year. Muppets endorsements are rare and it is their first such a deal in this part of the world.
"It was so different. That's what you've got to find in this day and age in the not-for-profit sector," said CanTeen's national income development manager, Leanne Ryburn. CanTeen aims to support 13- to 24-year-olds with cancer, as well as affected and bereaved siblings.Ryburn said 200 young people were diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand each year.She said the endorsement fit the charity's ambition to revitalise the bandanna as a symbol for the next few years, as well as its wider philosophy of encouraging the celebration of life.
"It was a bit of a dream ... once people could see what we were trying to do they came on board." Bandanna Week runs from October 10 to 16 and the fundraising campaign will feature the television ads, as well as billboard, radio, poster, magazines and press advertisements. While endorsements involving international stars can sometimes take years to negotiate, the Muppets deal came together in four months. But it was only 24 hours before filming began that a team from FCB and Curious Films knew they would be able to use big-name Muppets.
Michelle Delaney, a TV producer with FCB, was on the team that flew to the US to meet executives at The Muppets Holding Company, a division of Walt Disney, after being told they could film the three minor characters who sing The Mahna Mahna Song. The song will be the theme tune for the week, with the words "Banda Nana" substituted for the original lyrics.
The meeting seemed to be going badly and it hit a low point when Delaney asked if a cameo appearance by the Swedish Chef would be possible. But after the US executives exchanged looks and talked for a while among themselves, they gave their permission. "Halfway through the meeting, there was this amazing change and they said we could have the chef and Kermit too," she said. "It came out they enjoyed working with New Zealanders." Van den Hurk added: "It quickly turned around into, yeah, this is a great idea and let's do our bit."
He said the good reputation of Kiwis in Hollywood at the moment helped swing the endorsement, but so did a more practical consideration linked to New Zealand's isolation. "By giving the rights to a charity in New Zealand, they didn't infringe on any other rights already out there," he said.
From Can Teens website... Click here to view and download the Bandanna Week TV commercial (mpeg 6.5MB)
February 2006
There's a tasty wee link over at WFMU's Beware of the Blog... have a look. Also, there's a cool mashup of Mahna Mahna with Kanye West's Gold Digger tune over the top floating round the internets, have a listen out for that one. And here's a link to Youtube's video clips of Mahna Mahna. Enjoy.
December 2006
A bit to catch up on, so here goes...Navaho Gunleg sent me a link to the original tune by Umiliani, available here. Thanks! ...
Oliver T sent me a list of cover versions of the song that he's collected - Lipstique, K-Taro, Cake, the Benny Hill version, Mr. Mo (both normal and Radio edit), Flip Machine (but with a crippled ending), Warlock Pinchers, just the beginning of both the Dave Pell and the Asylum Street Spankers..." Will Bryant says "I saw the Muppets episode in 1977 in prime time. As I remember it, I was already very familiar with the song. It was on a K-TEL collection called Goofy Greats. Sure enough, Google coughed up a site: http://www.ktelclassics.com/searchframesetmaster.html (search on "goofy greats" or "mah") Released in 1975, it has "Mah-na-Mah-Na — Piero Umiliani" right there on side two." Thanks, Oliver.
Ron Redmond wrote to say "I want to let you know that Jim Henson was not the first to use Mah Na Mah Na in a children's TV show. I grew up in the early 70's in Seattle watching J.P. Patches on KIRO channel 7 (a CBS station.) He is a local legend who was on the air for over 20-30 years. He regularly played the original soundtrack version of Mah Na Mah Na on his show long before the Muppets recording was made. J.P. is retired now, but still makes public appearances and has a great web site. The local PBS station, KCTS channel 9, still shows his programs occasionally and there are videos tapes available. http://www.jppatches.com
Thanks, Ron.
John Walter sent me a Youtube link to a clip of Mahna Mahna as used on Sesame St, thanks!
There's also a bunch of Piero Umiliani's Soundtracks now available thru iTunes in the US (thanks for the info, James). Check and see if you can get em! And if you've emailed me about the site, thanks. i'll try and catch up with this soon!
June 2007
Okay, here's along overdue update, thanks to everyone who wrote to share information with me, much appreciated!
M Shirra wrote "Surely you've heard from many Pittsburgh Steeler's fans (Yeah, SuperBowl Champs!) about the parody heard in these parts regarding our probowl safety Troy Polamalu. Any chance of adding a link on your site? It's quite a tribute.Really enjoyed reading your site about a song that's been stuck in my head for weeks. It is truly amazing sometimes what you can find on the internet!
Ted Hamilton also wrote about me about that... "We here in Pittsburgh were treated to a particularly infuriatingly catchy varient of this tune, based around Pittsburgh Steeler's safety Troy Polamalu... The chorus went (roughly phonetically) "Pull-a-muh-loo, it's poll-ahhh-mahlooo..."
ADDED: Heres a clip with the theme music and photos of Polamalu. LINK
It's also been featuring in a US car tv ad for the Saturn.
Kitty Dyran sent these very informative links...
muppet wiki - mahna character, muppet wiki - mahna song (with photos of the various versions) and Wikipedia - mahna mahna
Dag-Erling Smørgav wrote to firmly instruct me that "I have to correct a couple of mistakes on your page about Piero Umiliani:
1) "Sweden: Heaven and Hell" is not a Swedish porn film and certainly not a porn documentary as you state. Rather, it is an Italian softcore porn film set in Sweden. Although it is styled as a documentary, much of the action is staged, as is common in so-called Mondo films.
2) The YouTube clip you link to is *not* from Sesame Street, but from The Muppet Show, as evidenced by the presence of Statler & Waldorf(the two grumpy men on the balcony) and the "backstage" set at the end. It is also obvious from the subtitles that the clip was recorded from Swedish television."
Oliver wrote me again, "Watching a television feature about whateversomething, there was a theme in the background that sounded quite familiar to me... of course i instantly contacted the producers of that documentary work and finally found another track based on Umiliani's great work: it's called "Bikini Parade", composed by Arch Bacon at Primetime Productions Ltd – included at least on two albums of BMG Zomba (they do special TV and broadcast tunes for production purposes):
- "Sex" – first CD of the "Sex / Crime" collection by the 'atmosphere TV' label (ATV05A)
- "Kitsch n' Lounge" – no. 169 of the 'match' label (MAT169)
By logging in to BMG Zomba in your country (with a free registration) you can prelisten that nice tune!
Unfortunately it seems to be available only for productional work, not on a consumer label. Licensing such an Album might be horribly expensive, not compareable to buying an album in the shops..."
Lukas Machata wrote to tell me that "I can give you some background on the Czech version:Pavel Vitoch was at that time most likely one of the trombone players of the Czechoslovak Radio Big Band, aka Czechoslovak Radio Dance Orchestra (TOCR), aka Czechoslovak Radio Jazz Orchestra (JOCR). He was also composing, both jazz and pop. In the eighties he worked as one of the producers in Studio A in Prague where many Czech jazz recordings have been produced.
I remember that the song appeared in TV shows a couple of times during the seventies, albeit mostly in playback. It was a very popular "schlager" here. Although no connection has ever been officially made to the song origin, coincidentally as children we used to sing a rather obscene version of the song with lyrics: "Mana mana, uz nejsem panna" ("Mana mana, I'm not a virgin anymore...")
My favorite version is the one by Giorgio Moroder, recorded around 1970. It is available on one of the excellent Italo easy listening compilations released by Irma Records in the nineties, Irma Cocktail Lounge Vol. 1
Håvard Graff sent me this clip ...
I will sort the links out shortly, promise.... and 'mad crazy props' to to The Atlantic Monthly's Andrew Sullivan for linking to this site. He blogged "I have fond memories of being in a physics class aged 13 or so in my all-boys English high school. Every time the teacher said the word 'manometer,' we burst into the chorus. It nearly drove him nuts after a while." LINK
From the muppet wiki on this song... "The most well-known Muppets' rendition of "Mahna Mahna" debuted on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1969, performed by Mahna Mahna and his back-up singers, the Snowths. This version of the skit was restaged for episode 101 of The Muppet Show.
The earliest version of the skit was first performed on episode 0014 of Sesame Street by Bip Bippadotta, backed up by two Anything Muppet girls. Whereas the Snowths sing "doo doo doo doo doo" on The Ed Sullivan Show and The Muppet Show, the back-up singers on the Sesame Street version sing "ba tee pa tee pee". This version was also used during the closing credits of an episode of Play With Me Sesame, with the cast singing and dancing along as this clip played. It was also included in the broadcast version of The Street We Live On.
The air dates for episode 0014 of Sesame Street was November 27, 1969, and the Ed Sullivan Show appearance was on live television three days later.
January 2008
Piero on Myspace! Just discovered that someone has put up a page for Piero Umiliani, complete with a great collection of photos and record covers. Have a look here .
Also, I've heard that Sesame St are planning a book to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the show, and will include "Mah Na Mah Na" in a special place of honour.
August 2008
Vaughan writes... "The lead singer on Mah Na Mah Na, and on other vocal tracks on the Svezia, inferno e paradiso soundtrack, is the legendary Italian whistler / guitarist / sitarist / choir leader / composer / etc., Alessandro Alessandroni, most famous for his work on Morricone's soundtracks for Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy films.
The other singers on the record are almost certainly his group, I cantori moderni di Alessandro Alessandroni (The Modern Singers of...), who worked on a great number of Italian soundtracks during the period, for Morricone, Nicolai, Piccioni, etc. Alessandroni also did some vocals in the Mah Na Mah Na style for other Umiliani soundtracks, though I forget the names.
[note that on your page the vocal is incorrectly attributed to Umiliani himself (Update July 2002)]." Thanks, Vaughan!
A filmography of Umiliani's work as a composer
Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso, aka Sweden Heaven and Hell -
a plot summary (from IMDB.Com)
Dusty Grooves, sellers of fine vinyl by Mr Umiliani
Copyright 2000-2008 Peter McLennan
This site was set up in early 2000 [on Geocities] - by June 2008 its had over 75,747 visitors. Thanks for dropping by!