Monday, December 01, 2014

Mecca:83 - farewell, for now

UK crew Expansions Collective drop this great collection... name your price...

"Sadly Mecca:83 has decided to hang up his MPC for good. Read about it here:

With that news out of the way, join us for a 24-track celebration of his music featuring exclusive new tracks with Jneiro Jarel, Tom Misch and Byron The Aquarius as well as the 'best bits' from his numerous solo releases, group projects and production/remix work over the years. Some old, some new and a few previously vinyl-only joints...all distinctively soulful in construction.

"If there's a running theme through all the music i've done, it's positivity: i've always tried to make music that makes people feel good. I've never really been about dark music. If people remember anything about my music I hope it's that" - Mecca:83, December 2014

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