Thursday, August 09, 2012


Dense, blippy electronica mashed with hiphop tempos, listen to Paradoxi or Slow Motion Reflex.

"For nearly ten years, LA's Erik Nava made, released, and hustled his art with little help from the “industry”. More than just a musician, Nava is a one-man creative force. On his own, Nava booked himself concerts, including national and international tours in Europe and Japan, ran his own record label Kid Without Radio, handled his own PR and publishing, and took care of all web design and animation, all while recording under his Egadz, Matterhorn, and Satellites monikers.

Here is a person obsessed with creating his own destiny. When the “standard” controllers and computers were unable to keep up with Nava, he BUILT HIS OWN, from design to programming. His new live controller, which he premiered at the 2012 Snowball Music Festival, changes the game once again.

Legendary club night the Low End Theory in LA has been inviting Nava to play regularly since 2007 and encouraged him to keep experimenting..."

The latest release from Satellites is called Ghost - listen below... buy it direct from the artist for a mere $5....

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