Friday, November 04, 2005

The dude abides.
Interview with Jeff Dowd, the inspiration for the Coen Bros Big Lebowski character played by Jeff Bridges.
"To cult movie fans, Jeff Dowd’s greatest accomplishment will likely forever be the fact that he’s credited as being the inspiration for the character of The Dude in “The Big Lebowski.” (For the record, it only requires a few moments worth of conversation with him to determine that Jeff Bridges really nailed the impression of Dowd’s voice.) There’s a lot more to Dowd than The Dude, however. His movie career spans decades, and he’s had his hand in many classic films, from “Gandhi” to “War Games.”

Mr Britney Spears has started his rap career...
"The first song from KFed has been leaked online and its everything you might expect. Its sounds like he made it in in one of those 'Make Your Own CD' boothes at Six Flags. Keep in mind that Britney described Kevin as like Eminem but with a more postive message." Hear it over here... "Be warned, if you’re at work, you might want to bite down on a wooden spoon or something to keep from laughing."

Boo f*cking hoo

Susan Woods has got it tough, she reckons... "It feels to me that I'm being punished for a political environment that I didn't create or cause, but because other people got $800,000 salaries. I don't get $800,000 salaries." ... Wood said she felt she was a victim of the backlash at the salaries that had created the "culture of extravagance" image of TVNZ.

So, taking a pay cut of $100,000 and still getting $350,000, that's gotta be hard, aye?

Gentrifying Disaster -- In New Orleans: Ethnic Cleansing, GOP-Style. (excerpt)
... In the meantime more than two-thirds of FEMA contracts (according to Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco) has gone to out-of-state firms, with a blatant bias toward Halliburton and other Texas-based investors in Bush Inc. Simultaneously, unscrupulous employers have saturated Latino neighborhoods in Houston and other southwestern cities with fliers advertising a cornucopia of jobs in New Orleans and Gulfport.

With Davis-Bacon and affirmative-action requirements suspended by executive order, immigrant workers—housed in tents and working under appalling conditions—have flocked to jobs sites in the city, largely unaware that tens of thousands of blue-collar evacuees who would relish these jobs are unable to return for lack of family housing and federal support. Ethnic tensions are artificially inflamed by speculations about a “population swap” and impending ‘Latinization” of the workforce.

From commentary by Mike Davis: Gentrifying Disaster -- In New Orleans: Ethnic Cleansing, GOP-Style. Link.

ADDED: Get your freak on...
From Popbitch... Talking Heads' David Byrne has been gossiping about Missy Elliot on his website: "Rumor has it that she works three instant message accounts simultaneously - one for friends, one for business, and one for porn."

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