Friday, September 02, 2005

Sun is shining, weather is sweet
Got a bunch of new records in the post (Boozoo Bajou with Joe Dukie and U Brown on the same track), the new isue of Vice magazine is out (the animal issue - got it from Beat Merchants), the weekend is here, and I'm DJing at a party saturday night. Sweet as!

via Coolfer... "Social networking behemoth founders Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe revealed the company plans to launch a record label in the near future and that they're scouting artists. Here's Coolfer five-star A&R tip on what kind of band to sign: Emo. That's the no-brainer of the year."
plus this mashup for you urban hipsters... The Bravery vs. M.I.A.: "An Honest M.I.A."

vai Pop Bitch...
Put down your weapons, pick up microphones!
Amid all the gloom in Iraq, one thing is cheering everyone up. They've finally got Pop
Idol - and don't even have to put up with Simon Cowell. Iraq Star started on satellite
station al-Sumeria six weeks ago, attracting more than 2,000 contestants and almost
60% of the nation's viewers every night.Sadly only a handful of women have dared to brave the country's Islamist wingnuts 36 year old Nada had her Baghdad apartment trashed after her appearance, while her landlord cut off her electricity and water supply. The early favourites are a barber called Mohammed, who sang Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, dressed in fake leather jeans, platform shoes and a Star Trek t-shirt, and Bilal, a 12 year old boy from Mosul whose own composition about the war's destruction of Iraq had all thejudges in tears.

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