Get mashed
Latest from the nutty world of musical mashups - Queen - "A Night At The Hip-Hopera" bought to you by the Kleptones. Grab it quick - Disney (who own the rights to Queen thru Hollywood Records) are chasing after it. There's mirrors here of the audio, plus cover. Klepshimi has a list of all the samples used for it (also check the live Pixies recordings on same blog).
Remember all the fuss about the Grey Album? Beatles vs Jay Z from DJ Dangermouse? Well, now someone's done a video for it. Check it here. Very funny, brilliantly executed. (both via Boingboing)
Tourist fun
The king of abandoned skyscrapers, found in Detroit. This fella and his mates went in and had a lookee. Check the pics here. This looks like a whole lot of fun.
Simon Grigg kicks some shit and comes out punching for the Car Crash Set...
"... Realistically its probably about time to stand up and say that the most interesting and inventive stuff coming out of these isles in the eighties, aside from The Headless Chickens and Fetus Productions, came from outside the Flying Nun catalogue... The early Flying Nun stuff sounds like the past whereas things like the CCS sound like the present and the future in 2004. Sorry, but its true."
The other FNun acts that I reckon still sound fresh are Bailter Space and the Skeptics, easily one of the most important and under-rated bands on the Nun.
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