Thursday, April 21, 2011

You want everything, all the time

Bill Wyman (Ex Rolling Stones geezer) has written a fascinating piece entitled "Lester Bangs' Basement -What it means to have all music instantly available".

"Lester Bangs, the late, great early-rock critic, once said he dreamed of having a basement with every album ever released in it... [now] A previously "rare" CD or movie, once it's in the iTunes store or on the torrent networks, is, in theory, just as available as the biggest single in the world...

Wyman talks about wanting to find the Rolling Stones film Cocksucker Blues.

"The film, a porny, drug-soaked cinéma vérité by the noted photographer Robert Frank, was never officially released. Indeed, under some sort of legal agreement with the Stones, Frank can show it publicly only when he is physically there. It tends to be presented at college events or in museum screening rooms..." it took Wyman 30 seconds to find it and about half an hour to download. He also talks about some film fans who work at restoring the films before uploading them too.

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