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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Flying Out Presents: Another Record Fair, 10 May

"This Saturday (May 10) Newmarket’s The Lucha Lounge will become a hotbed of capitalism as Flying Out Presents: Another Record Fair.

Dedicated to the best in new + secondhand vinyl, our fair shrugs off the usual cliches of high prices, argy-bargy, and the endless supply of Pink Floyd.

Starting at the accepted time of 12pm at The Lucha Lounge (1 York St, Newmarket, Auckland), we will be hosting sellers of the latest vinyl, secondhand gems, CD's, merch and more.

Flying Out will be stocking the best new and reissued vinyl care of Flying Nun Records, Arch Hill Recordings, Fishrider Records, 1:12 Records,Captured Tracks and more. We have enlisted the help local musicians, labels and all round good sorts to bring along rare second hand finds and other curiosities.

Like Onemusic we believe that “ambience” is most important, so we have enlisted the help of 95bFM’s Pennie Black and Lucy Clarke to spin records of their choosing throughout the day plus more NZ music celebs to be announced.

For those of you who plan to keep some money to eat, the proprietor of The Lucha Lounge will be brewing a strong vegetable chili to keep your energy levels up while you trawl our bins."

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