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Friday, July 15, 2011

Vinyl is making a comeback #254 Waikato edition

There's a record fair on this saturday in Hamilton. Cue vinyl revival story from local paper..

Veteran vinyl going another round: Forget CDs and MP3s. There is a vinyl revival, and Waikato record buffs are as staunch as they come.

"... beware of labelling them record "collectors". They resent the term. Vinyl, it appears, is in a different league to stamps, coins, and model airplanes.

Graham Don said he would rather be called a "music nerd" or a "vinyl fanatic" than a record collector. He has been buying vinyl since he was 12 and nostalgically recounted his first purchase.

"I bought Iggy Pop's Lust for Life and Tom Petty's Damn the Torpedoes, and I was hooked on music ever since. Hooked on vinyl."

Hamilton Record Fair is on Saturday at Riverlea Theatre, 80 Riverlea Rd, from 2pm with entry $2. Early entry from 1pm costs $10.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

That a very respectful starting time. I have happy memories of the record fairs in Hamilton, though back then I'd come away with CDs and video tapes.

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