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Monday, June 06, 2011

Kaiser thief

UK band the Kaiser Chiefs quietly released a new album this week. They claimed they'd slipped it out to avoid leaks. It's also been reported the band  "...have come up with a brilliant new concept to release their latest album, which allows users to upload their own cover and even make money for themselves by becoming sales people for the band and earning £1 per album they sell via social media channels." (Source: TNW)

The only catch is that someone else had the idea before them. 

"According to the The Wall Street Journal story, Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs “hatched the scheme ‘over a drunken night in a fish and chips shop’ with a friend, Oli Beale, who works in the London office of Portland-based ad agency Wieden & Kennedy.”

As many people have pointed out in the last 24 hours, there’s more than a passing similarity between the supposed product of Wilson and Beale’s drunken chip-shop brainstorm and Chris Holmes’ The Privateer Manifesto, which was first published by The Daily Swarm earlier this year..."

And here's the kicker - the band admit that fans selling the album will make more money of it than they will.  Who knows, this idea may be something that both Holmes and the band arrived at independent of each other.

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