Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Dancing barefoot
O-Dub is part of a round-table discussion on MP3 blogging over at Morning News...

"TMN: If all music goes digital—digital format, bought, sold, and spread online—what will you miss most about going to the record store?
MB: The great American pastime: flirting with the cute record-store girl! Also running into famous people and musicians and finding out what they’re buying and selling and whatnot. Years ago I was in [unnamed record store] in New York City and got to watch a clerk being an absolute sneering bastard to a nondescript middle-aged woman (who he seemed to think couldn’t possibly be cool enough to deserve to shop in his store) until his friend politely informed him that he might want to be a little more friendly to Patti Smith. You don’t get that kind of experience online!"
Read it over here.

Read the last Rick James interview yet? The dude's outlook was awesome. What a loss. He was planning to do his own reality show (not as wack as it sounds). Did you know he was a Muslim?

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